Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kalecgos Freed!

Kalecgos freed!
Congratulations to DragonCartel to defeat Sathrovarr the Corruptor!

T6 Bracers - Petrol, Dyo, Akeeva
Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade - Eugenics

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Andyxioe completes his Warglaive set on the 5th Illidan kill!

Fifth Illidan Stormrage kill and he drops the Off-Hand Warglaive!
Congratulations to Andyxioe on completing his Warglaive set!

Monday, July 28, 2008

DragonCartel Enters Sunwell!

Trash was more simple than we had thought.
Got some nice epics.

And we did pretty good on our first few Kalecgos attempts.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

DragonCartel downs Illidan Stormrage!

After about 3 raiding days working on Illidan, DragonCartel downs him on July 23rd, 08.
Conrgratulations everyone!

First kill, first Warglaive!
Congrats to Andyxioe on his main hand.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Council Down! The March to Illidan continues...

After whooping some Council Ass, it's time to begin our attempts on the Betrayer. Btw, Council down in under 20 attempts, 2 half raid nights well spent!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

2 New Bosses in One Night!

A night starting late ends quickly with 2 new bosses down. Good Job all, keep it rolling all the way.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Blood Boil Down!

1 Night of Attempts, and in less than 1 raid night, down his big ass falls!
Next up, RoS, we already got him to Phase 3, so he will be dead soon!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunwell Trash Farm

I know i am not the only one interested in this, for patterns, epix and etc. There is a sigh-up under the general tab. If interested please post your available off days. With enough interest, i hope to get this started soon!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Archimonde Down! That's how we do.

After a long road of wipes, through trial and error..... his bitch ass finally dies!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Murloc Summer Love!

Champion Picnic before heading to the Archimonde Grind!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Recruiting Starts Now.

So, As you may or may not know.
We're recruiting some people willing to commit to the 2nd job known as Raiding.

We need a Lock and a few healers, Pallies and another Tree or two would be nice, to help us get through Archimonde and The Black Temple.

Think thats you? Hit up our Application thread in the Forums.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

2.4.2 is coming, Headless Horseman mount Anyone?

So 2.4.2 is coming, and with it a couple of pretty cool additions.
Take for example the one above... The Headless Horseman Mount. Rumor has it... its a Flying Mount.

Along with that, all our riding trinkets:
[Skybreaker Whip]
[Riding Crop]
[Carrot on a Stick]
(the latter now craftable by engineers)

Will now be applied as enchants to our mounts instead of being used as trinkets!

MMO-Champion, as always, is on top of it, so check them out for more info and updates.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Teron Gorefiend Simulator

So we were talking about this earlier, heres a link to it.
This is actually meant to be a little harder than the real thing.

The Teron Gorefiend Simulator

Monday, April 21, 2008

Is This Really A Boss Fight?

Nice Vacation from Archie on Monday.
Payed a visit to Gruul for the Nostalgic Value and the
[Dragonspine Trophy] that didn't drop...
After we were done Pwning face in Gruul's Lair we hit up Shade of Loot Pinata... i mean Akama.

[Grips of Silent Justice]
[Ring of Deceitful Intent]

Not bad for our first kill loots eh?

The Feeling of Progression is a great one.

Good Job DC.